Remote Training and Repairs


Along with the items listed on our Services page,
we are able to provide you and your staff with Remote
Training, and in many cases, repairs as well.

Frequently not all the members of a group requesting to be
trained, can meet in the same place at the same time,
for logistical reasons, or sometimes one or more of them
has been stricken ill and can't make it to the training
session but still wants to, or needs to participate.

The technicians at Al-Lynn Computer Services are able to
provide the training needed from our remote site, to your
employees, no matter where they are, as long as they
have access to the Internet, and either a telephone, or
Skype to call in, and access to a computer. The reason they
want to call in, is so they are then able to participate in
the question and answer period that comes along with the
lecture portion of the training, as well as hearing the
instructor during the session. All parties in the training
session can hear one another, and benefit from the questions
asked as well as the answers given to the questions.

We are here to help train your employees on how to use new
and unfamiliar software or hardware, and if it becomes
necessary, we can also provide remote upgrades to portions
of your company systems, such as anti-virus or anti-malware
software, provided they are accessible through the Internet.

All our remote access sessions are through a secure link,
and the password given to our technicians is only valid
for a limited 30-minute window. Once activated, the
password is no longer good, and a new one must be generated
in order for the technician to access the system again,
should the need arise.

Our customers' security is important to us and we do all we
can to maintain that security when we connect to their