Services 2


Here at Al-Lynn Computer Services, we have a wide variety of computer classes available for individuals and groups alike. To see our prices for training please see our Services page.

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Outlook

LibreOffice products (Used in LINUX and on the RaspberryPi)

Basic Computer Training
Windows 7
Windows 8/8.1
Windows 10

If you want, or have a need, we are available to help you learn operating systems other than Microsoft Windows. We are also able to help you learn how to move around in, and install different versions of the LINUX operating system. This can be helpful for those wanting to go back to school, or have children that are in either secondary or post-secondary education, looking to learn these operating systems.

We can also show you how to download the version that you are interested in learning more about, while still maintaining use of your Microsoft Windows operating system. We can, if you wish, show you how to create a CD-ROM that can be used to run "live" rather than install the operating system, to see if this is something that you want to learn how to use, on your main system, before you install it permanently, and exclusively on your computer.

Give us a call at: (404) 856-0008 and ask for Dave.

General working knowledge of raspian-jessie operating system on the Raspberry Pi

If you need something that you don't see listed, please contact us and ask for Dave to make the necessary arrangements for the training that you need. Remember, too, that training can be either individual or in groups of 2 to 15 in size, depending on your personal or company requirements.

Use the button below to join a Zoho Assist session, if you need or want online help from an Al-Lynn Computer Services support tech

Here you can join a session of Zoho Assist for remote help with your computer, if you don't want to install anything on your computer, even temporarily. The technicians at Al-Lynn Computer Services will gladly help you with your computer issues through this product, to attempt to fix your computer issue.